“Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb.”
Alleluia! Christ has risen as he said and, in him, we have victory over suffering and sin, pain and death.

Listen to the Podcast:
Entrance Chant Alleluia! Love Is Alive (Steve Angrisano, Jesse Manibusan, and Sarah Hart)
Choose Christ Missal 2020 #144; Spirit & Song #177; Breaking Bread #164
Blessing and Sprinkling of Water Gather at the Water (Sarah Hart)
Choose Christ Missal 2020 #144
Responsorial Psalm This Is the Day the Lord Has Made; Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad (Ben Walther)
Spirit & Psalm 2020 p.164; Choose Christ Missal 2020: p. 144
Easter Sequence Christians, to the Paschal Victim (Ken Canedo)
Choose Christ Missal 2020 #7; Spirit & Song #176
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia (Josh Blakesley)
Spirit & Psalm 2020 p.166; Choose Christ Missal 2020: p. 146
Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts Three Days (Casey McKinley and M. D. Ridge)
Choose Christ Missal 2020 #142
Communion Chant Your Only Son (Twila Paris)
Choose Christ Missal 2020 #129; Spirit & Song #174; Never Too Young #188
Sending Forth Resurrection Day (Matt Maher)
Choose Christ Missal 2020 #140; Spirit & Song #186
Liturgy Podcast is a weekly liturgy planning resource for musicians, liturgists, homilists, youth groups, faith sharing groups, and all who look to the liturgical readings for inspiration and nourishment. Join Ken Canedo and Robert Feduccia as they break open the Scripture and play suggested tracks from the Spirit & Song repertoire.
If you want to use songs that are not in any of the books you have, you can license the songs through ONE LICENSE. Paying for the usage of songs will ensure the Church will have quality songs for years to come.